Oceans – EPSN

© Fundació Èpica Fura dels Baus

Plastic is one of the most versatile and widely used materials. We find it practically everywhere around us and we consume it regularly even involuntarily. Its side effects are catastrophic, especially in marine environments, but do we really have any idea of the amount we have already generated and how non-human species and natural systems begin to treat and consume it?


The project proposes through an immersive show to exhibit in an ironic and dystopian way, constantly generating an inquiring environment where situations occur that are framed in the present and future; all of them, based on real scientific research from the scientific teams from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM), Barcelona Computer Vision Center (CVC) and Open University of Catalonia (UOC) mentored by Fundació Èpica of La Fura dels Baus with themes that mark the acts of this show.

© Fundació Èpica Fura dels Baus

In the first act, people enter the space and find an exhibition where they encounter somewhat dystopian marine beings, accompanying the entrance, the room service offers a special drink. Then, people enjoy several audiovisual installations with which they can relate their daily actions with dystopian actions, but close to what could be a reality as buying plastic islands located in the ocean and even consider how people could adapt to the intake of plastics.


Next, a banquet is proposed and a small number of the audience is lucky enough to be part of it. During the banquet, a series of unexpected actions take place served as unconventional dishes. A first course of freshly harvested glacier slushie. A second course of algae and other synthetic components from the catch of the day. Finally, a cocktail of local seawater with additives harmful to health.

© Fundació Èpica Fura dels Baus

Finally, a new species is gestated and comes to life accompanied by beings that accompany it in procession to an uncertain future inhabited by the coexistence of new species together with the adapted survivors.


Will new species adapted to these wastes emerge with which we can coexist or will we have to send an SOS to space?

© Fundació Èpica Fura dels Baus

Interactive and Immersive Performance
Fundación Épica La fura dels Baus
SEPT 27 – 28, 2024
Space dimensions:
Width 20m × Length 40m × Height 10m


Artistic Director
Pep Gatell

Assistant Director
Alex Cueva

Executive Production
Nadala Fernández

Set Production
Juan Miguel Vicente

Fran Iglesias

Project Management
Helena Martí

Technological Direction
Pedro Lorente

Technological Assistant
Marina Adrover

Light Direction
David Hoyo

Technical Direction
Ramón Tarés

Scenic Direction
Tatín Revenga

Photo and Video Shooting
Marina Adrover
Juan Miguel Vicente
© Fundació Èpica Fura dels Baus 2024. All Rights Reserved

Ideation and Performance Team
Laura Iglesias
Adrià Jornet
Aina Abalo
Celia Baeza
Fausto Morales
Marcello Avanzini
Maria Quero
Marina Álvarez Rodríguez
Martín Garcia Guirado
Pau Martín Comas
Petra Montoro
Rocío Barquilla González
Rosa Ayuso Castells
Sandra Romero Cañadas
Tiago Román
Violeta Davila
María Gutiérrez Cedrón
Gerard Valls Montaño

Supported by
Fundació Èpica La Fura dels Baus
La Fura dels Baus
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM)
Barcelona Computer Vision Center (CVC)
Open University of Catalonia (UOC)
Badalona City Council
Badalona Marina
Catalan Ministry of Culture
Spanish Ministry of Culture
Spanish Ministry of Science and Education
European Commission

© Fundació Èpica Fura dels Baus 2024. All Rights Reserved